Thursday, 27 October 2011

Site Visit: Fire Station

It has been 4 weeks since our site visit to the company's Fire Station; hence, the uploading of the photos on this site is very much overdue.

On Tuesday morning, 27/09/11, I brought my team to have a feel and an exposure to the Emergency Response environment.  Before that, the Chief Fire Officer was contacted to ensure his fire-fighting team would be available to accommodate our visit.  No hitches at all, thumbs up to the Commanding Officer who took charge of my team on that morning.

A briefing on the how the Control Room works.

Having a look and briefing on one of the fire tenders.

An enjoyable ride on the buggy, utilised when going through terrains.

Having a feel on the inside of an ECV (Emergency Control Vehicle).   

A dummy used during ER drills and exercises.

An experience going in and out of a smoked house.

Trying out the heavy fire-fighting gear.