Saturday, 2 July 2011

Another Farewell Gathering

The day following the farewell-gathering for my 4 staff, another small gathering was held for one of our Cost Estimating section's staff who's going on a 6-month assignment to another department.
It seems that within our large team, there's always an excuse to have a 'makan-makan' gathering.  Well, we've a good justification for it; we work hard, we eat hard too.

The menu for this gathering can be clearly seen from the pics below.  Those are only SOME of the yummy dishes which were being served yesterday afternoon at 1445 hrs.

 Home-made chocolates.

Red velvet cupcakes with rich cheese cream topping.  It's so yummy, I can vouch for that.

 Mee mamak.

Fried chicken satay.

 Fried beef satay.


Fruits tarts.

That's my meal .... 1st round.  I won't feel guilty by telling you viewers that I had a second helping..hehehehehe..