Sunday, 26 February 2012

AES Team Building Event

About 24 days ago, our long over-due Team Building event was held at BSRC which is the Company's recreation club.  Initially, it was to be held a week before; however, due to a number of staff taking leave during the Chinese New Year Period, the event was post-poned to the 02 of February instead.

Lots of efforts have been put into preparing the event by the Organising & Working Committee members, including our dynamic facilitator.  Many thanks to those who had sacrificed their workings hours to ensure that everything would turn out perfect.

 The Working Committee members with one member of the Organising committee.

 Something to do to keep the participants from falling asleep.

Preparing the clues for the Treasure Hunt activity.

All the activities made everyone of us hungry.... Makan time...

 The gift towards the team who won the Treasure Hunt.

Introducing the HSE focal points and the supporting members.

The senior Team Leads.